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investing online

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  • investing online

    investing online, or as many call it, self-investment, has been a favorite in recent years. The emergence of electronic platforms has been a key factor in this enthusiasm, as investors find most of the tools they need to choose their investments and carry out their transactions at low fees.Investors must occasionally intervene quickly to position their portfolio, as during periods of correction. However, advisors can not call all their customers at the same time, says LaCoste. Self-directed investors who have a good command of their electronic investment platform will be able to react quickly and take advantage of opportunities that arise when there is a marked jump in market volatility, thinks this expertOnline Brokerage offers many tools for those who want to stay on top of what’s happening and want to respond quickly, says Sabrina Della Fazia, Regional Sales Manager, BMO InvestorLine.Contrary to what one might think, it is the independent investors who are in the most advantageous position during periods of high volatility, said Glenn LaCoste, President and Founder of Surviscor, a specialized analysis firm in the services sector financial. ’As long as you use all the tools,’ says the consultant. 5467